Dr. Dabber
One of the very first to develop low-heat vaporizers, Dr. Dabber has been well-known for its commitment to providing effective, reliable, and convenient vaporizers. They take pride in their trademark for infusing Low-Heat Titanium Technology into the electric dab rigs, dab pens, and vape pens they create to optimize your experience. Dr. Dabber vaporizers are made to produce thick and flavorful vapor, giving its user an experience like no other. Designed with style and all about efficiency, Dr. Dabber displays their loyalty and passion in providing the ultimate vaping experience.
Let customers speak for us
from 693 reviewswell made and sturdy. love that this now has usb c charging instead of micro
Most discreet device on the market highly recommend!
Have tried cheap and fancy, small and big, and this one hits the sweet spot. Perfectly sized, rapid and solid draws, great battery, and even comes with a super pointless spring!
I bought my first snail 3 years ago Loved it, and been a fan ever since. It just recently died, and I wasn't happy with anything else. Thank you for prompt delivery and excellent customer service
Lookah bear packs a punch great battery life and fast shipping . I orded a second one the yellow tied dye for back up . Thank you mind vape
I love the weezy. Even when I take too big of a hit, and get a little weezy.
Extremely satisfied with my order and the fast shipping
Great battery. Love the preheating setting. Long battery life.
This is a simple, well designed concentrate vaporizer. Highly recommended.
Yocan UNI PRO (Box Mod for 510 Thread Cartridges)
I have another lookah bear but I just had to get one with tye dye colors, I also got one for my daughter for her 21st birthday
Everyone needs this tiny powerhouse! It is the best battery out of all of them I have tested
This is the perfect size for taking anywhere at all & plenty powerful.